Results of the 2020-21 COVID locakdown Breakfast Parcel Project

by Sallie-Ann Allen


A typical breakfast parcel

In support of the Breakfast parcels project by Telford & Wrekin Council, the Newport (Shropshire) Food bank team delivered 1645 breakfast parcels (11,515 breakfasts) to families with school age children during – 27th October 2020 – 15th April 2021. In general, those in receipt of weekly parcels were the same families, between 70-80 children per week living in the town of Newport and surrounding villages. Initially parents collected their parcel from the Newport Food bank. When lockdown restrictions were in place the team of volunteers delivered parcels weekly to home addresses.

Telford & Wrekin Council gave a donation for UHT milk and cereal and as a foodbank we chose to supplement that with bread, eggs, baked beans and a rotation of jam, margarine, fruit and a spread.

Supported by generous local donations, the team of volunteers were also able to offer extra food support with a large Xmas food hamper, easter eggs and Mothers’ day treat.

During the pandemic, the team had worked with schools to promote that anyone entitled to free school meals would be entitled to the breakfast parcels. As the scheme came to an end, the team were keen to understand the impact and potential ongoing need for family food support.

A short survey was sent out to all families who had been in receipt of breakfast parcels. The response rate was 70%

Summary of Responses

-        93% of respondents used everything or nearly all the food that was given to them. 

-        Without the breakfast parcels only 17% of respondents said that they would have had enough food. 

-        83% would have never, rarely, or sometimes had enough food were it not for the breakfast parcels.

-        57% of respondents say that they find it difficult to feed kids in the school holidays in comparison to 20% when faced with a change in household income.

-        Only 10% of respondents’ children eat breakfast at school.

“The support I have received has been a total life support. I would really struggle without this help”


“This program has helped me and my family it is truly a good thing and without them I don't think I would of been able to feed kids everyday.”

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